La enseñanza basada en preguntas : La ley de Ampère y el término de Maxwell

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La enseñanza basada en preguntas : La ley de Ampère y el término de Maxwell

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Sánchez Moreno, Alberto; Jaimes Gómez, Omar; Aguilera Terrats, José Ricardo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

Often teachers of Physics and Mathematics are encouraged to active teaching of these areas of knowledge, consisting of a continuous interaction between the teacher and the student. With a metaphor of a proper questioning, it is intended to show teachers a way to guide students in their learning, motivating them to recall previous knowledge or causing a cognitive conflict that will lead them to reformulate their learning. This way of proceeding is called teaching based on questions, the first historical reference of which is from ancient Greece. This paper presents the teaching of Ampère's law with Maxwell?s generalization through teaching based on questions.
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