El cuerpo materno en la red: entre el orden de lo ?deseable? y el de lo real

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El cuerpo materno en la red: entre el orden de lo ?deseable? y el de lo real

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Landa, María Inés es Calafell Sala, Núria es 2020-11-10T13:05:30Z 2020-11-10T13:05:30Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Landa, María Inés ; Calafell Sala, Núria. El cuerpo materno en la red: entre el orden de lo ?deseable? y el de lo real. En: Arxius de sociologia, 41 2019: 135-156 es
dc.description.abstract The fitness lifestyle is carried out in and through a subjective and power framework in which business, therapeutic, sanitary, and body spectacularization dispositifs circulate and are assembled, tending to inscribe the life of the population in the conflictive plots of a heterosexist, neoliberal and informational capitalism. Within this framework, the temporality, mutation, and plasticity of the mother?s body arises as a problem and the object of the intervention of diverse technologies aimed at adjusting its size and shape to the parameters of an active and healthy life. In digital scenarios, this tension is performed, on the one hand, through visual and discursive dispositifs that promote the ideal of fitness, embodied hyperbolically in the figure of the fit mom. And on the other hand, mothers who question the hegemonic ?desirable? maternal figures in the digital scenario through exhibition of the realness of ther bodies and images of and ?self-acceptance?. The paper explores images and narratives in these two positions, focusing mainly on the differences between a body that is presented as a fictional adaptation to the order of the ?desirable? and another that intends to make visible the constitutive vulnerability of the maternal process. The analysis shows how the management and exhibition of the maternal body in the net is marked by the imperatives of health, productivity, and performance, as well as those of authenticity and extimacy es
dc.subject 1137-7038 8537 Arxius de sociologia 558787 2019 41 7605686 El cuerpo materno en la red: entre el orden de lo ?deseable? y el de lo real Landa es
dc.subject María Inés es
dc.subject Calafell Sala es
dc.subject Núria The fitness lifestyle is carried out in and through a subjective and power framework in which business es
dc.subject therapeutic es
dc.subject sanitary es
dc.subject and body spectacularization dispositifs circulate and are assembled es
dc.subject tending to inscribe the life of the population in the conflictive plots of a heterosexist es
dc.subject neoliberal and informational capitalism. Within this framework es
dc.subject the temporality es
dc.subject mutation es
dc.subject and plasticity of the mother?s body arises as a problem and the object of the intervention of diverse technologies aimed at adjusting its size and shape to the parameters of an active and healthy life. In digital scenarios es
dc.subject this tension is performed es
dc.subject on the one hand es
dc.subject through visual and discursive dispositifs that promote the ideal of fitness es
dc.subject embodied hyperbolically in the figure of the fit mom. And on the other hand es
dc.subject mothers who question the hegemonic ?desirable? maternal figures in the digital scenario through exhibition of the realness of ther bodies and images of and ?self-acceptance?. The paper explores images and narratives in these two positions es
dc.subject focusing mainly on the differences between a body that is presented as a fictional adaptation to the order of the ?desirable? and another that intends to make visible the constitutive vulnerability of the maternal process. The analysis shows how the management and exhibition of the maternal body in the net is marked by the imperatives of health es
dc.subject productivity es
dc.subject and performance es
dc.subject as well as those of authenticity and extimacy cuerpo es
dc.subject salud es
dc.subject maternidad es
dc.subject fitness es
dc.subject dispositivo es
dc.subject body es
dc.subject health es
dc.subject maternity es
dc.subject fitness es
dc.subject dispositive 135 156 es
dc.title El cuerpo materno en la red: entre el orden de lo ?deseable? y el de lo real es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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