Rompé tus barreras: Un análisis sobre el uso del coaching ontológico en la plataforma de entrenamiento de Nike en Buenos Aires

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Rompé tus barreras: Un análisis sobre el uso del coaching ontológico en la plataforma de entrenamiento de Nike en Buenos Aires

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Álvaro, Daniel; Hijós, Nemesia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

In recent times, coaching has become relevant in heterogeneous discourses and practices in the economic, political and cultural fields of contemporary societies. Based on our ethnographic analysis of different training sessions on the Nike+ Run Club platform in Buenos Aires, in this article we study how ontological coaching operates in the field of sport and races. Then, we ask about how people who attend this platform appropriate coaching techniques to manage emotions, moods, and body effects according to the business entrepreneurship logic. Through this work, the ethnographic results are articulated with a reflection about the theory, practice, and values of the ontological coaching, where we tried to demonstrate the close correlation between the discipline and rationality, the normativity and subjectivity characteristic of neoliberalism
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