Producción de personas, reproducción de representaciones. Reflexiones sobre dos programas de capacitación en liderazgo

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Producción de personas, reproducción de representaciones. Reflexiones sobre dos programas de capacitación en liderazgo

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Vázquez Mazzini, Marisa
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The present paper addresses the question of the role Executive Education performs in the strengthening and reproduction of neoliberal ideology. It aims to critically reflect on the way selected contents and teaching activities operate jointly enabling or inhibiting certain perspectives regarding work in organizations. Two Leadership training programs are analyzed in this article, currently delivered by the two most prestigious business schools in Argentina: IAE Business School, and Torcuato Di Tella Business School. I begin with a general description of each one and proceed analyzing their educational proposals. Finally, the critical review reveals their consistency with a set of social representations related to contemporary capitalism.
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