Mens sana in corpore exhausto. Emociones y gestión de sí en escuelas secundarias del sur global

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Mens sana in corpore exhausto. Emociones y gestión de sí en escuelas secundarias del sur global

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Grinberg, Silvia M.; Armella, Julieta; Bonilla, Marco
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

In recent years, emotional education has become a central element in a series of guidelines on a global scale that have been translated into various state initiatives aimed at education. Thus, Mens sana in corpore exhausto proposes to demonstrate the tension that is expressed between the growing series of discourses on emotional education and the school climate and the exhaustive bodies of teachers and directors of public secondary schools in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (RMBA). By way of hypothesis, these policies are considered to work on the bodies of teachers and directors, encouraging them to continue and not stop under the logic of management and self-management that throw the population into their own fate. For this problematization, this article presents research results in a field developed between 2016 and 2019 in a school marked by social inequality.
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