La portada de la iglesia de las Escuelas Pías de Gandía. Su proceso constructivo y modulación arquitectónico-musical

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La portada de la iglesia de las Escuelas Pías de Gandía. Su proceso constructivo y modulación arquitectónico-musical

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Cisneros Álvarez, Pablo; Navarro Catalán, David Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The facade of the church of the Pious Schools of Gandia has not attracted the attention of researchers. However, its conception has a great architectural culture and constitutes an essential work to understand its context, fundamentally, that of the theoretical treatises of the Renaissance. From this study it is wanted to value its architecture and that it is considered as an outstanding ingredient to know its period of construction in general and jesuit architecture in particular. For its understanding, its interpretation in the culture of contemporary architecture treaties and, especially, in the architectural-musical theory of Leon Battista Alberti will be necessary.
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