Development and validation of a scale to assess social entrepreneurship competency in Higher Education

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Development and validation of a scale to assess social entrepreneurship competency in Higher Education

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Capella Peris, Carlos; Gil Gómez, Jesús; Martí Puig, Manuel; Ruiz Bernardo, María Paola
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This paper proposes an instrument to assess social entrepreneurship competency in higher education (SECS). 19 Features of social entrepreneurship competency were identified. The pilot test (n = 497) confirmed the validity and reliability of the SECS. Exploratory factor analysis proposed a set of categories consistent with the initial approach. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable relationships among the scale categories and items, while the fit indices suggested that the data fit adequately to the default model. Pearson's test verified significant, positive correlations among the revised categories in all cases. Therefore, the scale carries the potential to contribute to social entrepreneurship research.
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