Un cuento de robots : La hija cibernética de descartes

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Un cuento de robots : La hija cibernética de descartes

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Lacruz Mantecón, Miguel L. es 2021-05-05T09:17:31Z 2021-05-05T09:17:31Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Lacruz Mantecón, Miguel L.. Un cuento de robots : La hija cibernética de descartes. En: Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 31 2021: 422-441 es
dc.description.abstract French philosopher René Descartes is today valued as a forerunner of the studies of human mind, artificial intelligence and robotic systems. Throughout his work there are large references to automata and the possibility of artificial life, as well as an assessment of the differences between rational behavior of human beings and the purely mechanical of animals and automata. In addition to these references, there is a fable about the creation by the philosopher of an automaton that replicated his deceased daughter Francine, a story that is well known among the French and Anglo-Saxon specialists, but not so much in the Spanish ones, which is what settles this short work es
dc.subject 2070-8157 22082 Revista Boliviana de Derecho 565487 2021 31 7730064 Un cuento de robots La hija cibernética de descartes Lacruz Mantecón es
dc.subject Miguel L. French philosopher René Descartes is today valued as a forerunner of the studies of human mind es
dc.subject artificial intelligence and robotic systems. Throughout his work there are large references to automata and the possibility of artificial life es
dc.subject as well as an assessment of the differences between rational behavior of human beings and the purely mechanical of animals and automata. In addition to these references es
dc.subject there is a fable about the creation by the philosopher of an automaton that replicated his deceased daughter Francine es
dc.subject a story that is well known among the French and Anglo-Saxon specialists es
dc.subject but not so much in the Spanish ones es
dc.subject which is what settles this short work René Descartes es
dc.subject Francine Descartes es
dc.subject inteligencia artificial es
dc.subject autómatas es
dc.subject robots es
dc.subject René Descartes es
dc.subject Francine Descartes es
dc.subject artificial intelligence es
dc.subject automata es
dc.subject robots. 422 441 es
dc.title Un cuento de robots : La hija cibernética de descartes es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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