Pseudoscience and bad science in biomedicine : analysis of evidence, health risk, and media dissemination

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Pseudoscience and bad science in biomedicine : analysis of evidence, health risk, and media dissemination

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Casino, Gonzalo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Pseudoscience (false science) and science based on faulty and biased studies (bad science) produce false or uncertain knowledge, with poor or no evidence. Both represent a health risk: pseudoscience-based therapies because they can replace or delay conventional treatments, and low-quality biomedicine because it promotes medical interventions that can be dangerous. In the press, alternative therapies are less prevalent than low-quality research, while the former tends to be framed negatively and the latter favourably. Both require more thorough and rigorous studies to better understand their negative effects on critical thinking, economics, and health-related decision making.
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