Analyzing online search patterns of music festival tourists

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Analyzing online search patterns of music festival tourists

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Montoro Pons, Juan de Dios; Cuadrado García, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

Music festivals, as cultural events that induce tourism flows, intermediate both the cultural and travel experience. The present study analyzes online search behavior of potential attenders to a music festival. We hypothesize that the search process reveals latent patterns of behavior of cultural tourists planning to attend music festivals. To this end, information from Google Trends on queries related to three popular music festivals is used to build a network of search topics. Based on it, alternative exponential random graph model specifications are estimated. Findings support the general result of mediated information flows: music festivals induce planning and traveling queries. However, differences relating to the specificities of the cultural event are also found, in particular those regarding what nodes or queries supply the network with more useful information.
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