¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida : caso Bolivia

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¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida : caso Bolivia

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Vega Quevedo, Michael Juan Ramón
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

In Bolivia, the third term and the habilitation of former President Evo Morales to the 2019 presidential elections was allowed with the acquiescence of the Plurinational Constitutional Court. Despite the fact that the Constitution prohibited it and there was a referendum that rejected indefinite presidential re-election. This occurred through the judicialization of politics that produced a non-formal reform of the Constitution producing a case of abusive constitutionalism and the destabilization of the rule of law.
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