¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida : caso Bolivia

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¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida : caso Bolivia

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Vega Quevedo, Michael Juan Ramón es 2021-12-14T13:26:24Z 2021-12-14T13:26:24Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Vega Quevedo, Michael Juan Ramón. ¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida : caso Bolivia. En: Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 32 2021: 862-899 es
dc.description.abstract In Bolivia, the third term and the habilitation of former President Evo Morales to the 2019 presidential elections was allowed with the acquiescence of the Plurinational Constitutional Court. Despite the fact that the Constitution prohibited it and there was a referendum that rejected indefinite presidential re-election. This occurred through the judicialization of politics that produced a non-formal reform of the Constitution producing a case of abusive constitutionalism and the destabilization of the rule of law. es
dc.subject 2070-8157 22082 Revista Boliviana de Derecho 584568 2021 32 8055241 ¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida caso Bolivia Vega Quevedo es
dc.subject Michael Juan Ramón In Bolivia es
dc.subject the third term and the habilitation of former President Evo Morales to the 2019 presidential elections was allowed with the acquiescence of the Plurinational Constitutional Court. Despite the fact that the Constitution prohibited it and there was a referendum that rejected indefinite presidential re-election. This occurred through the judicialization of politics that produced a non-formal reform of the Constitution producing a case of abusive constitutionalism and the destabilization of the rule of law. Reelección presidencial indefinida es
dc.subject Estado de Derecho es
dc.subject democracia es
dc.subject Derechos Humanos es
dc.subject judicialización de la política es
dc.subject constitucionalismo abusivo es
dc.subject Indefinite presidential re-election es
dc.subject Rule of Law es
dc.subject democracy es
dc.subject Human Rights es
dc.subject judicialization of politics es
dc.subject abusive constitutionalism. 862 899 es
dc.title ¿El Estado de Derecho en peligro? El juez constitucional contra la Constitución y a favor de la reelección presidencial indefinida : caso Bolivia es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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