ENTREACTO / ENTR?ACTE Un film / A Film Chopin y los Sand, amor a cuatro bandas. Aproximación a la esfera privada de Fryderyk Chopin a partir de la película Pragnienie Mi?o?ci

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ENTREACTO / ENTR?ACTE Un film / A Film Chopin y los Sand, amor a cuatro bandas. Aproximación a la esfera privada de Fryderyk Chopin a partir de la película Pragnienie Mi?o?ci

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Estrany, Joan es 2021-12-23T12:21:28Z 2021-12-23T12:21:28Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Estrany, Joan. ENTREACTO / ENTR?ACTE Un film / A Film Chopin y los Sand, amor a cuatro bandas. Aproximación a la esfera privada de Fryderyk Chopin a partir de la película Pragnienie Mi?o?ci. En: Itamar, revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte, 7 2021: 476-488 es
dc.description.abstract Two centuries later, the legend Chopin-Sand continues to supply the collective imaginary with vague readings, where historical truthfulness, let alone musical truth, is often contingent on the literary. The much discussed and bellicose romance between the Polish composer and the French novelist, George Sand, tends to some reductionism and evades an obvious reality: Fryderyk Chopin meets George Sand when she was already the mother of two children. This circumstance suggests reformulating certain romantic stereotypes. Jerzy Antczak?s biographical film Pragnienie Mi?o?ci (Chopin: Desire for Love, 2002) does not overlook this detail and makes it one of its narrative axes. The relationship between the pianist and the Sands (George, Maurice, and Solange) lasted 15 years and, according to the feature film, the presence of the pianist did not go unnoticed by the children of Chopin?s protector and lover, Sand. Chopin?s private life and sexual appetites or abstinences are not openly addressed, but the film does invite reflection on his private sphere about the trip to Mallorca and the stays in Nohant. Nothing suggests the musician?s homosexuality, but certainly nothing rules it out. es
dc.subject 2386-8260 13268 Itamar es
dc.subject revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte 590908 2021 7 8182077 ENTREACTO / ENTR?ACTE Un film / A Film Chopin y los Sand es
dc.subject amor a cuatro bandas. Aproximación a la esfera privada de Fryderyk Chopin a partir de la película Pragnienie Mi?o?ci Estrany es
dc.subject Joan Two centuries later es
dc.subject the legend Chopin-Sand continues to supply the collective imaginary with vague readings es
dc.subject where historical truthfulness es
dc.subject let alone musical truth es
dc.subject is often contingent on the literary. The much discussed and bellicose romance between the Polish composer and the French novelist es
dc.subject George Sand es
dc.subject tends to some reductionism and evades an obvious reality: Fryderyk Chopin meets George Sand when she was already the mother of two children. This circumstance suggests reformulating certain romantic stereotypes. Jerzy Antczak?s biographical film Pragnienie Mi?o?ci (Chopin: Desire for Love es
dc.subject 2002) does not overlook this detail and makes it one of its narrative axes. The relationship between the pianist and the Sands (George es
dc.subject Maurice es
dc.subject and Solange) lasted 15 years and es
dc.subject according to the feature film es
dc.subject the presence of the pianist did not go unnoticed by the children of Chopin?s protector and lover es
dc.subject Sand. Chopin?s private life and sexual appetites or abstinences are not openly addressed es
dc.subject but the film does invite reflection on his private sphere about the trip to Mallorca and the stays in Nohant. Nothing suggests the musician?s homosexuality es
dc.subject but certainly nothing rules it out. 476 488 es
dc.title ENTREACTO / ENTR?ACTE Un film / A Film Chopin y los Sand, amor a cuatro bandas. Aproximación a la esfera privada de Fryderyk Chopin a partir de la película Pragnienie Mi?o?ci es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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