El acceso de los hijos de inmigrantes a la Educación Superior en España ¿una cuestión de origen étnico o de origen social?

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El acceso de los hijos de inmigrantes a la Educación Superior en España ¿una cuestión de origen étnico o de origen social?

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Herrera Cuesta, Damián
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

This work is part of the studies on the Social Dimension of Higher Education (DOES). It studies the weight that socioeconomic position has on access to Higher Education for second generations in Spain. To do this, we analyze the probability that students with migratory backgrounds and different socioeconomic origins carried out tertiary studies during the second decade of the 21st century in contrast to the newly admitted native population. In our results, we found significant differences in access to university among young people between the ages of 18 and 21, belonging to the second generations born of co-ethnic marriages of South American and North African origin, which could explain the current slowdown in expansion of tertiary education in Spain.
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