El mito quinqui. Memoria y represión de las culturas juveniles en la transición postfranquista

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El mito quinqui. Memoria y represión de las culturas juveniles en la transición postfranquista

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Labrador Méndez, Germán
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This work starts from an initial image ?the quinqui room as a historical room? to propose the study of the quinquillero phenomenon in a complex dialectic between mythology, historicity and memory. I confront the current return of the quinqui in relation to the emergencies of the supposed historical quinquis in the archive of the seventies. That this is a problematic confrontation. My work is organized in two stages. First, it is about deconstructing ?the quinqui myth?, analyzing its characteristics and reasons both in its current construction, as a quinqui return, and in its historical emergence. And then it comes to thinking about what this myth prevents us from seeing, what political and historical reasons it serves, and what experiences and subjects it makes invisible.
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