La idealización de los espacios rurales en Educación Secundaria y bachillerato. Un estudio de representaciones sociales

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La idealización de los espacios rurales en Educación Secundaria y bachillerato. Un estudio de representaciones sociales

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element García Monteagudo, Diego 2022-04-28T12:01:11Z 2022-04-28T12:01:11Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation García Monteagudo, Diego 2021 La idealización de los espacios rurales en Educación Secundaria y bachillerato. Un estudio de representaciones sociales Revista Colombiana de Sociologia 44 2 269 290
dc.description.abstract The theory of social representations contributes to know the discourses that influ-ence people's lives and how subjects reproduce that knowledge to interpret the world. The knowledge that interests us in this research is the worldview that 3rd year of Com-pulsory Secundary Education and 2nd year Baccalaureate students from the province of Valencia (Spain) have about rural areas. Their worldview comes from different sources and information contexts, so the application of social representations to the field of geog-raphy didactics is pertinent in this study. Specifically, the phenomenological approach of the Geography of Perception and Behavior joins the social representations of geographic space in its subjective and tripartite aspect (lived space, perceived space, and conceived space). This is how it is intended to understand the elements that influence the school explanation of rural spaces and their presence in the school geography to achieve two ob-jectives: first, to know the structure and meaning of the school representation of students from ten schools in the province of Valencia; second, to check how the representation of the human figure has been captured in textbooks at those same educational levels be-tween 1959 and 2016 and in the pictorial representations of students to show convergent trends in the elements of a social representation of these spaces. For this, 581 students from schools in the province of Valencia (Spain) answered a mixed questionnaire, with a word association test analyzed using the Evocation 2005 software. The application of the chi-square index to the analysis of the photographs of the textbooks and the drawings of the students about rural spaces reveals that there is an idealized representation of these spaces, making difficult to understand social and environmental problems.
dc.language.iso spa
dc.relation.ispartof Revista Colombiana de Sociologia, 2021, vol. 44, num. 2, p. 269-290
dc.subject Geografia
dc.subject Geografia rural
dc.title La idealización de los espacios rurales en Educación Secundaria y bachillerato. Un estudio de representaciones sociales
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-04-28T12:01:12Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 147629
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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