Is it true that young drama practitioners are more creative and have a higher emotional intelligence?

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Is it true that young drama practitioners are more creative and have a higher emotional intelligence?

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Alfonso Benlliure, Vicente Motos Teruel, Tomás Fields, Donna Lee Donna Lee 2022-05-05T07:39:57Z 2022-05-05T07:39:57Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Alfonso Benlliure, Vicente Motos Teruel, Tomás Fields, Donna Lee Donna Lee 2021 Is it true that young drama practitioners are more creative and have a higher emotional intelligence? Thinking skills and creativity 39 100788 1 9
dc.description.abstract Drama studies can provide adolescents and young adults with learning opportunities that can help them to develop creative and socio-emotional skills. In interviews and discussion groups, when given the opportunity to talk about their experiences, young drama students explain the creative and emotional benefits they feel they have received from their participation in the arts. This research study investigates whether engagement, and particularly engagement over time, in drama is significant in stimulating creative and socio-emotionally intelligent behaviour in young people. It compares the creative and socio-emotional levels of adolescents and young adults who participate in drama studies routinely, to both those who have participated for two years or less and those who have no experience in this field. The research sample comprised 222 young people between the ages of 13 and 21. Findings analysed for this sample suggest that, those who have taken part in drama studies for two years or more develop higher levels of fluency, flexibility, originality and self-perceived creativity than those whose participation is less or nil. No significant differences in socio-emotional skills were noted in relation to different degrees of participation. The results are discussed in relation to the benefits that participation in drama activities can have for the development of skills during a key stage of life for young adults, replete with challenges.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Thinking skills and creativity , 2021, vol. 39, num. 100788, p. 1-9
dc.subject Creativitat
dc.title Is it true that young drama practitioners are more creative and have a higher emotional intelligence?
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-05-05T07:39:58Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.tsc.2021.100788
dc.identifier.idgrec 151801
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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