Beliefs, assumptions and knowledge of Spanish university students about Slovak language and culture

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Beliefs, assumptions and knowledge of Spanish university students about Slovak language and culture

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pardo Coy, Rosa M. Oltra-Albiach, Miquel A. 2022-09-15T17:34:19Z 2022-09-15T17:34:19Z 2018
dc.identifier.citation Pardo Coy, Rosa M. Oltra-Albiach, Miquel A. 2018 Beliefs, assumptions and knowledge of Spanish university students about Slovak language and culture Sociálno-Ekonimická revue 16 3/2018 61 65
dc.description.abstract In Europe, the idea of multilingual European citizenship has been consolidated in recent decades in relation to the perspective of exchange and mobility within the European Union. However, in many cases linguistic learning can be complicated by several factors that are basically extralinguistic. At times, prejudices and linguistic stereotypes persist, mainly because of the ignorance of European linguistic and cultural reality and the possibilities of the own language learning for people's lives and for the development of territories. Research and reflection ion beliefs, ideas and representations about languages, their importance and their treatment in the classroom, at all levels of education, is presented as a relevant research field in the current European context: in this line, we present a research on the ideas beliefs and expectations about languages and their learning in the European framework of the students of the Faculty of Teaching of the University of Valencia. The responses of the group of the students to these questions reaffirm us in the idea and invite to a reflection in depth on the treatment of any kind of diversity, and specifically on the linguistic attitudes and their presence in the programs of language teaching.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Sociálno-Ekonimická revue, 2018, vol. 16, num. 3/2018, p. 61-65
dc.subject Ciència Ensenyament
dc.subject Ensenyament universitari
dc.subject Lingüística
dc.title Beliefs, assumptions and knowledge of Spanish university students about Slovak language and culture
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-09-15T17:34:19Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 127898
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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