Learning Diversity: A Collaborative Work Experience of Literary Education in a Spanish Teacher Training Classroom

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Learning Diversity: A Collaborative Work Experience of Literary Education in a Spanish Teacher Training Classroom

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Oltra-Albiach, Miquel A. 2022-09-15T18:13:07Z 2022-09-15T18:13:07Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Oltra-Albiach, Miquel A. 2016 Learning Diversity: A Collaborative Work Experience of Literary Education in a Spanish Teacher Training Classroom Journal of Modern Education Review 6 12 880 889
dc.description.abstract The aim of this paper is to present an experience carried out in a group of 50 university students of the subject Literary Education in the Childhood Classroom in the 2014/2015 academic year. The activity is based on the need to educate on diversity and includes literature, drama and puppets as powerful tools for the awareness, reflection and dialogue about the topic of diversity. Based on research about children's literature focused on diversity, the work groups started a debate on the (in)visibility of most of these works. Once a text was chosen, students produced and dramatized a puppet play. The process included every aspect of production, from the initial conception to the final performance, focusing on an element of reflection and multiplicity of roles during the entire process. We believe the experience was very positive and beneficial for the literary training of the teacher. It provided a framework for the programming and development of activities about all kinds of diversity in the early childhood education classroom.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Journal of Modern Education Review, 2016, vol. 6, num. 12, p. 880-889
dc.subject Ciència Ensenyament
dc.subject Ensenyament
dc.subject Educació
dc.title Learning Diversity: A Collaborative Work Experience of Literary Education in a Spanish Teacher Training Classroom
dc.type journal article es_ES 2022-09-15T18:13:07Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/12.06.2016/003
dc.identifier.idgrec 118064
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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