Comparing Mathematics Early Years Education in Spain, Portugal and Slovenia

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Comparing Mathematics Early Years Education in Spain, Portugal and Slovenia

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ancheta Arrabal, Ana Segura Cordero, Carlos 2023-02-01T12:14:32Z 2023-02-01T12:14:32Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Ancheta Arrabal, Ana Segura Cordero, Carlos 2022 Comparing Mathematics Early Years Education in Spain, Portugal and Slovenia. Mathematics 10 15 2590
dc.description.abstract This work aims to examine how the learning of mathematics in early childhood is developed in different policies, particularly within the processes of formal education and care in early years institutions. A comparative analysis of early mathematics education policies across countries must consider cultural differences, teaching practice, structural differences and institutional framework conditions, as well as the initial training and professional knowledge of teachers and educators. Extracted from the official country regulations, the following pages include some of the main characteristics of the national systems of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Portugal, Slovenia and Spain, as well as a comparison of the ECEC guidelines concerning mathematics education between these three countries. There is an international consensus on an approach to early mathematics education inspired by realistic mathematics education (RME), i.e., on the importance of working mathematically in context, as well as on the idea of doing so through play, developing the language to communicate mathematical ideas. However, we found that these three aspects are reflected very differently in the official regulations of the three countries: while in Spain the development is very detailed and emphasizes the holistic approach and the role of mathematics in exploring the environment, the Portuguese curriculum emphasizes the role of mathematics as a form of language. The Slovenian curriculum, at last, focuses on the concepts and procedures associated with each mathematical sense. Furthermore, there are structural features concerning the regulation and type of ECEC system that have an influence in the implementation of the curriculum.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Mathematics, 2022, vol. 10, num. 15, p. 2590
dc.subject Educació primària
dc.subject Aprenentatge
dc.subject Mestres
dc.title Comparing Mathematics Early Years Education in Spain, Portugal and Slovenia
dc.type journal article es_ES 2023-02-01T12:14:32Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/math10152590
dc.identifier.idgrec 154674
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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