Movies, ethics and accounting: a teaching experience

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Movies, ethics and accounting: a teaching experience

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Merello, Paloma; Barberá Martí, Antonio; Porcuna Enguix, Luis; Porcuna Enguix, Rubén; Zorio Grima, Ana
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

This research presents an innovative learning experience undertaken in three groups of a financial accounting course at the University of Valencia (Spain). After watching three accounting-related movies, students answered a test based on each movie with questions about the ethical and accounting issues described in them and their satisfaction with the learning technique. Nonparametric tests and a multivariate analysis showed that the students who participated in this experience obtained a higher exam mark than those who did not. Our results evidence a significant effect on the final exam mark for more questions only in one of the movies. Our results are valuable because they show that students engage in this methodological approach, which can be helpful for them to improve their exam performance.
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