Lung Fibrosis and Fibrosis in the Lungs: Is It All about Myofibroblasts?

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Lung Fibrosis and Fibrosis in the Lungs: Is It All about Myofibroblasts?

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Ortiz Zapater, Elena; Signes-Costa Miñana, Jaume; Montero Magalló, Paula; Roger Laparra, Inés
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

In the lungs, fibrosis is a growing clinical problem that results in shortness of breath and can end up in respiratory failure. Even though the main fibrotic disease affecting the lung is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which affects the interstitial space, there are many fibrotic events that have high and dangerous consequences for the lungs. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), excessive allergies, clearance of infection or COVID-19, all are frequent diseases that show lung fibrosis. In this review, we describe the different kinds of fibrosis and analyse the main types of cells involved¿myofibroblasts and other cells, like macrophages¿and review the main fibrotic mechanisms. Finally, we analyse present treatments for fibrosis in the lungs and highlight potential targets for anti-fibrotic therapies.
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