A robust reprogramming strategy for generating hepatocyte-like cells usable in pharmaco-toxicological studies.

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A robust reprogramming strategy for generating hepatocyte-like cells usable in pharmaco-toxicological studies.

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Garcia Llorens, Guillem; Martínez Sena, Teresa; Pareja Ibars, Eugenia; Tolosa Pardo, Laia; Castell, José V.; Bort Martí, Roque
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

High-throughput pharmaco-toxicological testing frequently relies on the use of established liver-derived cell lines, such as HepG2 cells. However, these cells often display limited hepatic phenotype and features of neoplastic transformation that may bias the interpretation of the results. Alternate models based on primary cultures or differentiated pluripotent stem cells are costly to handle and difficult to implement in high-throughput screening platforms. Thus, cells without malignant traits, optimal differentiation pattern, producible in large and homogeneous amounts and with patient-specific phenotypes would be desirable.
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