Protocolo: cómo medir las competencias transversales de trabajo en equipo y red de trabajo

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Protocolo: cómo medir las competencias transversales de trabajo en equipo y red de trabajo

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Marín García, Juan Antonio; Martínez Villaescusa, Maribel; Bonavia Martín, Tomás
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Our aim is present a protocol to develop a measurement questionnaire that allows a valid and reliable self-evaluation of the transversal competencies related to team work (TW) and networking (NW). It will be design to evaluate these competences among professionals from different organizations or job applicants. In this paper, we will focus on how to filter a bank of behavioral items, verifying that the items finally analysed: a) Represent one or several conceptual dimensions within TW or NW. b) Ensure the inter-agreement between independent evaluators to analyze the overlap between items and dimensions, and be able to classify the items in the correct dimension.c) Check that the set of items retained by agreement between evaluators represent all the subdimensions of team work and networking.
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