Práctica pedagógica y música tradicional

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Práctica pedagógica y música tradicional

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Costa Vázquez, Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

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The use of traditional music in the classroom has gone through several important developments in Spain within the past few years. Despite some pedagogical advantages, the generalised use of traditional music in the school system gives way to false conscience hidden below the tolerance rhethoric. Scholarly education and the practice of traditional music in their original contexts, are intrinsically different; Decontextualizingtraditional music runs the risk of devaluationing the latter and the strengthening of the hierarchy between traditional and bourgeois culture. This is due to the perception of their relative values. We need a critical revision of the theoretical rudiments of pedagogical practice that remains bound and deeply informed by the historic and cultural context of the nation's phenomenon.
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