Where Is It Best to Sit in Class? Description of an Experience Based on STEM Problem Solving in a School Context

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Where Is It Best to Sit in Class? Description of an Experience Based on STEM Problem Solving in a School Context

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ferrando, Irene Albarracín, Lluís Diago, Pascual D. 2023-11-09T12:39:26Z 2023-11-09T12:39:26Z 2023
dc.description.abstract This study aims to describe the design and development of a STEM problem-solving activity involving mathematics and physics content. It is an activity whose starting point is a question based on a real problem: to identify the areas of the classroom where the intensity of sound is higher. In this way, the problem involves the physics of sound. However, in addition, by trying to give an answer to the initial question, students have the opportunity to develop progressively more complex mathematical models from already known mathematical concepts and procedures. The analysis of the results of the implementation based on the identification of the learning opportunities and the catalyst elements that generate them, allows us to state that the activity encourages students to enrich their mathematical models by incorporating new mathematical concepts such as the function of two variables. We conclude that the design of the activity and the choice of data acquisition technology are key, but also the interaction between the students and the teacher.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Education Sciences, 2023, vol. 13, num. 4, p. 417
dc.source Ferrando, Irene Albarracín, Lluís Diago, Pascual D. 2023 Where Is It Best to Sit in Class? Description of an Experience Based on STEM Problem Solving in a School Context Education Sciences 13 4 417
dc.subject Professors Formació
dc.subject Ciència
dc.subject Ensenyament
dc.subject Física Mesuraments
dc.title Where Is It Best to Sit in Class? Description of an Experience Based on STEM Problem Solving in a School Context
dc.type journal article 2023-11-09T12:39:27Z
dc.identifier.doi /10.3390/educsci13040417
dc.identifier.idgrec 161794
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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