Teams and Project Performance: An Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity Approach

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Teams and Project Performance: An Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity Approach

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Dasí Coscollar, Àngels; Pedersen, Torben; Lopes Barakat, Lívia; Rangel Alves, Tiago
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

This article analyzes the relationships between project performance and the team’s ability, motivation, and opportunity (AMO). We contribute to the project management literature by exploring which combinations of AMO factors are best for project performance at different levels of complexity. We test our hypotheses on a sample of 285 projects. Our study shows that in simple projects, ability is the key factor both as a main effect and as a constraining factor that acts as a bottleneck for project performance. In the case of complex projects, the multiplicative model is superior given the significant interaction effects of motivation.

    Dasí, À., Pedersen, T., Barakat, L. L., & Alves, T. R. (2021). Teams and Project Performance: An Ability, Motivation, and Opportunity Approach. Project Management Journal, 52(1), 75-89.

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