Unstable behaviour of normally-off GaN E-HEMT under short-circuit

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Unstable behaviour of normally-off GaN E-HEMT under short-circuit

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Martínez, Pedro J.; Maset Sancho, Enrique; Gilabert Palmer, David; Sanchis Kilders, Esteban; Esteve Gómez, Vicente; Jordán Martínez, José; Ejea Martí, Juan Bautista; Ferreres Sabater, Agustín
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The short-circuit capability of power switching devices plays an important role in fault detection and the protection of power circuits. In this work, an experimental study on the short-circuit (SC) capability of commercial 600 V Gallium Nitride enhancement-mode high-electron-mobility transistors (E-HEMT) is presented. A different failure mechanism has been identified for commercial p-doped GaN gate (p-GaN) HEMT and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) HEMT. In addition to the well known thermal breakdown, a premature breakdown is shown on both GaN HEMTs, triggered by hot electron trapping at the surface, which demonstrates that current commercial GaN HEMTs has requirements for improving their SC ruggedness.

    Martínez, Pedro J., Maset Sancho, Enrique, Gilabert Palmer, David, Sanchis Kilders, Esteban Esteve Gómez, Vicente, Jordán Martínez, José, Martí, Juan Bautista, Ferreres Sabater, Agustín (2018). Unstable behaviour of normally-off GaN E-HEMT under short-circuit. Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 4 1 8.

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