Interdisciplinarity in arts education: a work proposal

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Interdisciplinarity in arts education: a work proposal

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Botella Nicolás, Ana María; Fernández Maximiano, Rafael; Mínguez López, Xavier
Aquest document és un/a Comunicació/Ponència, creat/da en: 2012
The inclusion of the basic competences in the Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE 2006), as one of the basic elements of the curriculum and reference for the evaluation, opened a discussion into the educative community that still today is a mater of study and research. These competences answer to the combination of skills, knowledge, aptitudes, attitudes and to the disposition of learning and to the knowledge of how to learn. In addition, we might say that the term “basic”, which belongs to the term itself, refers to the consideration of indispensable learning we should accurately orientate the educational and learning process towards.
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