What factors have an influence on a quality teaching practice in Sciences?

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What factors have an influence on a quality teaching practice in Sciences?

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Solbes Matarredona, Jordi; Furió Más, Carlos; Domínguez Sales, María Consuelo; Fernández, J.; Tarín, Francisco; Guisasola Aranzábal, Jenaro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.287

Abstract This paper aims to know to what extent in-service teachers who have not participated in science teaching training courses neither have performed any research in this field develop a quality teaching practice and what factors have influenced to achieve it. Questionnaires and non-participating observation protocols about the classroom work have been used as well as semi-structured interviews with a sample of teachers to obtain data. These instruments try to characterize the teaching action and determine what factors and in which degrees have influenced the performance of a quality science teaching activity.
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