Teaching energy conservation as a unifying principle in physics

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Teaching energy conservation as a unifying principle in physics

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Solbes Matarredona, Jordi; Guisasola Aranzábal, Jenaro; Tarín, Francisco
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1007/s10956-009-9149-3

In this work we present the design and assessment of a teaching sequence aimed at introducing the principle of energy conservation at post-compulsory secondary school level (16-18 year olds). The proposal is based on the result of research into teaching-learning difficulties and on the analysis of the physics framework. Evidence is shown that this teaching sequence, together with the methodology used in the classroom, may result in students having a better grasp of the principle of energy conservation. Keywords Physics education · Energy conceptions · Teaching activities
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