Literary translation and the parallax gap: reflections on a pilot questionnaire

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Literary translation and the parallax gap: reflections on a pilot questionnaire

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Fernández, Fruela; Herrador, Dolores (translator); Sánchez Balsalobre, Leticia (translator)
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

Historically, social research has alternated between conceptual opposites that social constructionism tries to reconcile. By analyzing the issues raised and responses given to a pilot questionnaire completed by literary translators, this article discusses approaches that could be applied to sociological research in literary translation. Special emphasis is placed on the undefined nature of literary translators as a group and on the usefulness of the “parallax gap” concept (Slavoj Žižek) as a dialectical, interdisciplinary method of analysis.La investigación social se ha movido históricamente entre oposiciones conceptuales que el construccionismo sociológico intenta superar. Mediante el análisis de las respuestas y los problemas planteados por un cuestionario piloto dirigido a traductores de literatura, se tratan una serie de planteamientos aplicables a la investigación sociológica de la traducción literaria. Se hace especial hincapié en la indefinición como grupo de los traductores literarios y se plantea la utilidad del concepto “brecha de paralaje” (Slavoj Žižek) como método de análisis interdisciplinar y dialéctico.This article is the English version of "La traducción literaria y la brecha de paralaje: reflexiones a partir de un cuestionario piloto" by Fruela Fernández. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.The author has been awarded a research grant from the F.P.U program of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (reference AP2006–02234).
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