An 'education to reality': An interdisciplinary framework for teaching literature in the classroom

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An 'education to reality': An interdisciplinary framework for teaching literature in the classroom

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Villacañas de Castro, Luis Sebastián
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2014
This chapter presents an interdisciplinary framework for teaching literature capable of disclosing the real determinations that might affect a literary work. Inspired by Marx's method as much as by an expression originally coined by Sigmund Freud, this interdisciplinary framework is presented as part of an 'education to reality' project, that main aims of which are not distinct from those adopted by several critical and transformative pedagogical approachesThis chapter presents an interdisciplinary framework for teaching literature capable of disclosing the real determinations that might affect a literary work. Inspired by Marx's method as much as by an expression originally coined by Sigmund Freud, this interdisciplinary framework is presented as part of an 'education to reality' project, that main aims of which are not distinct from those adopted by several critical and transformative pedagogical approaches.
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