Academic Success and Student Satisfaction with University Teaching

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Academic Success and Student Satisfaction with University Teaching

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Fernández Rico, J. Esteban; Fernández Fernández, Samuel; Álvarez Suárez, Alberto; Martínez Camblor, Pablo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

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This study uses surveys to assess student academic success in relation to the teaching activity of the University staff. The main goal is to test how the student’s degree of satisfaction of with their teachers can be considered dependent on the success the student obtains in each subject. The results show that the students are more satisfied with their teaching when they have a higher rate of success, although in some optional courses, the degree of satisfaction diminishes with the higher rate of success. The course expectations, when defined by the difference between achievement and success, impact the student satisfaction with the teaching.
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