Institutional, pedagogical, psychosocial and socio-demographic factors related to academic performance at the University of Costa Rica: a multilevel analysis

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Institutional, pedagogical, psychosocial and socio-demographic factors related to academic performance at the University of Costa Rica: a multilevel analysis

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Montero Rojas, Eiliana ca Villalobos Palma, Jeannette ca Valverde Bermúdez, Astrid ca 2015-05-12T10:37:07Z 2015-05-12T10:37:07Z 2007 es
dc.identifier.citation Montero Rojas, Eiliana ; Villalobos Palma, Jeannette ; Valverde Bermúdez, Astrid. Institutional, pedagogical, psychosocial and socio-demographic factors related to academic performance at the University of Costa Rica: a multilevel analysis. RELIEVE - E-Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation; Vol 13, No 2 (2007). ca
dc.description.abstract A multilevel analysis was conducted to predict final grades in courses from different majors for a sample, stratified by academic areas, of 848 students at the University of Costa Rica. A group of factors from institutional, socio-demographic, psychosocial and pedagogical aspects were employed as independent variables. The best predictor was the Admission Average, which combines grades from high school and an aptitude test score. Some non-cognitive variables were also explicative; the most important being the score on a scale of emotional intelligence. The methodology employed by the professor showed explicative power as well. es
dc.rights RELIEVE has the rights upon the articles published in it. However, as its purpose is knowledge dissemination, article reproduction and distribution (in any kind of medium) is allowed provided that the following conditions are complied with:Its content must not be altered.Its origin must be cited (journal RELIEVE, volume, number and electronic site of the article or DOI.)The fact of sending your paper to RELIEVE implies that you accept these conditions. es
dc.subject Educación superior, rendimiento académico, factores asociados, modelos multinivel, modelos jerárquicos, variables predictoras, variables institucionales, variables pedagógicas, variables psicosociales, variables sociodemográficas es
dc.title Institutional, pedagogical, psychosocial and socio-demographic factors related to academic performance at the University of Costa Rica: a multilevel analysis es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url es

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