Errores conceptuales en el estudio del equilibrio químico: nuevas aportaciones relacionadas con la incorrecta aplicación del principio de Le Chatelier

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Errores conceptuales en el estudio del equilibrio químico: nuevas aportaciones relacionadas con la incorrecta aplicación del principio de Le Chatelier

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Quílez Pardo, Juan; Sanjosé López, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1995

The limited usefulness of the Le Chatelier's principle and its vague and ambiguous formulation may be some of the sources of misconceptions in chemical equilibrium. To diagnose misconceptions a written test was administered to 170 first-year students. Responses revealed that mistakes emerged through: a) misapplication and misunderstanding of the Le Chatelier's principle; b) utilization of rote-learning recall and algorithmic procedures; c) incorrect control of the variables involved and limited use of the chemical equilibrium law; d) lack of mastery of the principles of chemical equilibrium and difficulty in transfering them to new situations.
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