Tecnologías Educativas 2.0. La Didáctica de los contenidos digitales, coordinado por los profesores José Peirats y Ángel San Martín en la Revista Educatio Siglo XXI, Vol. 30 nº 1 (2012), pp. 334-335 [Ressenya]

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Tecnologías Educativas 2.0. La Didáctica de los contenidos digitales, coordinado por los profesores José Peirats y Ángel San Martín en la Revista Educatio Siglo XXI, Vol. 30 nº 1 (2012), pp. 334-335 [Ressenya]

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Gallardo Fernández, Isabel María
Aquest document és un/a ressenya, creat/da en: 2012
The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between the practices used by teachers to teach to read and write at the beginning of schooling, and the learning opportunities. A qualitative analysis of a number of tasks carried out by teachers using three types of different practices -instructional, multidimensional and situational- is performed. The results show that these practices differ as to: the type of task carried out; the classroom dynamics developed to do so; literacy contents worked in class; and the materials used. They also show that in two of the three classrooms studied certain characteristics of teacher practices that various authors have associated with a higher level of teaching effectiveness as well as with enhancing learning opportunities were more frequently observed.
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