Washback factors and inference predictors in the Spanish University Examination: The OPENPAU Project (FFI2011-22442)

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Washback factors and inference predictors in the Spanish University Examination: The OPENPAU Project (FFI2011-22442)

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García Laborda, Jesús; Frances Litzler, Mary; González Such, José; Bakieva, Margarita; Otero de Juan, Nuria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Background: University Entrance Examinations provide information the student¿s opportunities to succeed in their academic university career. However, the current foreign language paper of the Spanish University Entrance Examination does no permit to obtain enough evidence to make academic inferences. Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study was to determine if the new test would serve for these objectives according to the students¿ needs and expected use of the language. Sources of Evidence: Based on Chapelle (2007) and García Laborda (2010). Analysis and results: Primary findings indicate that the test requires a deep revision in the test items, task typology and, overall, the test definition.
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