Estudio de caso múltiple con historias de vida en el grado de educación infantil: aprendizaje-servicio en la didáctica de la educación física.

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Estudio de caso múltiple con historias de vida en el grado de educación infantil: aprendizaje-servicio en la didáctica de la educación física.

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Capella Peris, Carlos; Gil Gómez, Jesús; Martí Puig, Manuel; Chiva Bartoll, Óscar
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This paper presents a study about the implementation of Service-Learning (SL) in the area of Physical Education in pre-service teachers. Specifically, we used Life Histories as a tool for qualitative research in order to know the basic profile of students, and to deepen their development of social skills and ethical and civic values. Furthermore, the paper shows the appropriateness of Life Histories as a tool to assess the influence of SL in students, as long as the results provide and deepen on certain personality traits, family and professional context, and learning and development staff. The conclusions obtained indicate that SL develops social skills and values in the participating pupils. Thus, the results also show the suitability of Life Histories as a research tool in this field.
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