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Sanz Beneyto, Josep
Aguilar Hernández, Luis (dir.) Departament de Didàctica i Organització Escolar |
Aquest document és un/a tesi, creat/da en: 2017 | |
In recent years there has been an intensification of the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and school environment. The phenomenon is already observable both in numerous policies articulated by the different Spanish educational administrations and in the practices or integration initiatives of the ICT that are being tested every time in more schools.
This ICT presence in school centres and classrooms in the Spanish educational context is transforming the processes of the curriculum in practically all of its phases or moments of development. In this progressive digitalisation of the curriculum, new processes of elaboration, selection and management of an increasingly "liquid" curriculum are being formed. This new curriculum is transmitted through technological devices and virtual highways, in which new and old logics, agencies, and actors meet one anot...
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In recent years there has been an intensification of the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and school environment. The phenomenon is already observable both in numerous policies articulated by the different Spanish educational administrations and in the practices or integration initiatives of the ICT that are being tested every time in more schools.
This ICT presence in school centres and classrooms in the Spanish educational context is transforming the processes of the curriculum in practically all of its phases or moments of development. In this progressive digitalisation of the curriculum, new processes of elaboration, selection and management of an increasingly "liquid" curriculum are being formed. This new curriculum is transmitted through technological devices and virtual highways, in which new and old logics, agencies, and actors meet one another, not all from the school/educational environment. In this new digital condition, the curriculum is endowed not only with new potentialities (hypertextuality, interactivity, flexibility, multimedia, access to a large amount of information...) but also with new technological and problematic factors related above all to standards, network security, accessibility, copyright or digital divide.
It is being configured what in this work we have ventured to call "digital curriculum" or "e-curriculum", a new curriculum format from which could also be generating an emerging architecture of the practice that, in any case, is still strongly conditioned by the predominance of the school textbook, which is now available in electronic format. This digital curriculum is also altering the traditional relationship between the education community (families, students, faculty) with the curriculum and its development. Precisely the faculty, a key figure in our research as a research subject and privileged source of information, attends expectantly all of these transformations that problematize, in the curriculum area and its development, issues such as its role in the selection of contents and its relation with knowledge, the methodological potential of this digital curriculum, the permanent technological-didactic training required by this new digital nature of the curriculum, the changes in their professional role (teaching, curriculum development ...) or in their working conditions.
The research, from an ethnographic and qualitative approach, is formalized in the case study of two centres that intensively introduce the digital curriculum, puts back the curriculum at the centre of the debate on ICTs and aims: 1) to contribute to the understanding of this digital transformation of the curriculum, the potentialities and limitations (social, technological, didactic) that its new nature presents; 2) to understand how faculty confronts it and how this digital curriculum and its development affect their professional practice; 3) to identify and analyse educational policies which, at the European level, but above all at a state and autonomous (Valencian) level, had played a role with the contributions of the private business world, in shaping and modeling a digital curriculum that has evolved over these years and in which we can already identify differentiated phases.
If in the theoretical part we focus on describing and understanding the policies on the digital curriculum articulated, mainly, in the national and local Valencian context, as well as the processes of development of this digital curriculum and the situation of teachers in front of this new reality; In the empirical part of our work we focus on the knowing and understanding how the policies and processes related to the digital transition of the curriculum are manifested in practice and are perceived by the different educational agents, in concrete educational contextsEn los últimos años se está produciendo una intensificación de la relación entre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y el ámbito escolar. El fenómeno ya es observable tanto en las numerosas políticas articuladas por las diferentes administraciones educativas del estado español como en las prácticas o iniciativas de integración de las TIC que se van ensayando cada vez en más centros escolares.
Esta presencia de las TIC en centros y aulas escolares en el contexto educativo español está transformando los procesos del currículum en prácticamente todas sus fases o momentos de desarrollo. En esta progresiva digitalización del currículum se van conformando nuevos procesos de elaboración, selección y gestión de un currículum cada vez más “líquido” que se vehicula a través de dispositivos tecnológicos y autopistas virtuales, y en el que se cruzan nuevas y viejas lógicas, agencias y actores, no todos del ámbito escolar/educativo. En esta nueva condición digital el currículum se dota de nuevas potencialidades (hipertextualidad, interactividad, flexibilidad, multimedia, acceso a gran cantidad de información…) pero también de nuevos condicionantes tecnológicos y problemáticas relacionadas, sobre todo, con los estándares, la seguridad en la red, la accesibilidad, los derechos de autor o la brecha digital.
Se está configurando lo que en este trabajo nos hemos aventurado a llamar “currículum digital” o “e-currículum”, un nuevo formato del currículum desde el que se podría estar generando también una emergente arquitectura de la práctica que, en todo caso, sigue fuertemente condicionada por el predominio del libro de texto escolar, ahora en versión electrónica. Este currículum digital está alterando también la tradicional relación de la comunidad educativa (familias, alumnado, profesorado) con el currículum y su desarrollo. Precisamente el profesorado, una figura clave en nuestra investigación en tanto que sujeto investigado y fuente privilegiada de información, asiste expectante a todas estas transformaciones que problematizan, en el ámbito del currículum y su desarrollo, cuestiones como su papel en la selección de contenidos y su relación con el conocimiento, las potencialidades metodológicas de este currículum digital, la permanente formación tecnológico-didáctica que requiere esta nueva naturaleza digital del currículum, los cambios en su rol profesional (docencia, desarrollo del currículum…) o en sus condiciones de trabajo.
La investigación, desde un enfoque etnográfico y cualitativo que se concreta en el estudio de casos de dos centros que introducen de forma intensiva el currículum digital , resitúa el currículum en el centro del debate sobre las TIC y plantea como objetivos: 1) contribuir a la comprensión de esta transformación digital del currículum, de las potencialidades y limitaciones (sociales, tecnológicas, didácticas) que su nueva naturaleza le otorga, 2) comprender cómo el profesorado se enfrenta y cómo afecta a su ejercicio profesional este currículum digital y su desarrollo, y 3) identificar y analizar las políticas educativas que, tanto a nivel europeo, pero sobre todo estatal y autonómico (valenciano), han tenido que ver, junto a las aportaciones del mundo empresarial privado, en la configuración y modelaje de un currículum digital que ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de estos años y en el que ya podemos identificar fases diferenciadas.
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