Las representaciones sociales del alumnado sobre la crisis. ¿Qué soluciones ofrece el alumnado ante los problemas económicos?

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Las representaciones sociales del alumnado sobre la crisis. ¿Qué soluciones ofrece el alumnado ante los problemas económicos?

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Olmos Vila, Rafael; González Monfort, Neus; Pagès Blanch, Joan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

In the following article are reported the results of a research on social representations about the economic crisis of adolescents in between 16-18 years old. The two studied groups attend the same school and come from similar socioeconomic contexts; however one of the two groups courses the subjects of Contemporary History and Economics (Group A), and the other group doesn?t (Group B). The information is collected through a written questionnaire about current news and a discussion group that deals with the subject. The results show the influence of the media on the responses of both groups and a greater feasibility of the solutions proposed by the students of Economics and History
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