On augmented reality for the learning of 3D-geometric contents: A preliminary exploratory study with 6-grade primary students

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On augmented reality for the learning of 3D-geometric contents: A preliminary exploratory study with 6-grade primary students

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Flores Bascuñana, Míriam; Diago Nebot, Pascual David; Villena Taranilla, Rafael; Yáñez Avendaño, Dionisio Félix
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Nowadays, Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the emerging technologies with a greater impact in the Education field. Research has proved that AR-based activities improve the teaching and learning processes. Also, the use of this type of technology in classroom facilitates the understanding of contents from different areas as Arts, Mathematics or Science. In this work we propose an AR-based instruction in order to explore the benefits in a 6th-grade Primary course related to 3D-geometry shapes. This first experiment, designed from an exploratory approach, will shed light on new study variables to perform new implementations whose conclusions become more consistent. The results obtained allow us to envisage that AR-based proposals slightly improve the classical didactic methods
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