Cuerpos moldeables y vidas modulables: La invención del estado holísticamente saludable como bienestar (integral)

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Cuerpos moldeables y vidas modulables: La invención del estado holísticamente saludable como bienestar (integral)

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Landa, María Inés es Córdoba, Marcelo es 2020-12-16T09:06:25Z 2020-12-16T09:06:25Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Landa, María Inés ; Córdoba, Marcelo. Cuerpos moldeables y vidas modulables: La invención del estado holísticamente saludable como bienestar (integral). En: Arxius de sociologia, 42 2020: 59-74 es
dc.description.abstract The article argues ?from the Deleuzian concepts of society of control, moulding and modulation and the Rosean theory on the economization and medicalization of life? that the expansion of the concept of health in terms of integral and subjective well-being is the effect of a socio-historical shift in the way we relate to this signifier, and therefore to our bodies and ourselves. We use this interpretative network to analyze the effects that the biopsychosocial health paradigm has had in the context of aesthetic surgery and fitness practice. As a result, we see that the expansion of the concept of health has extended the domain of medicine into the spheres of personal care and physical appearance. This legitimized the practice of aesthetic surgery in the medical and social field, previously undervalued in the modern scenario, while it operated as a condition of possibility for the emergence and globalization of the culture of fitness. We conclude with a brief presentation of the argumentation deployed in the different sections of the article, from which we reflect on the ethical-political implications of a holistically modulable and asymptotically perfectible health in the socio-labour dynamics of contemporary capitalism. We relate these arguments, finally, to the destabilizations that the health and political treatment of the COVID-19 global pandemic poses to a conception of health defined in terms of informed and efficient elective practices es
dc.subject 1137-7038 8537 Arxius de sociologia 562372 2020 42 7674032 Cuerpos moldeables y vidas modulables: La invención del estado holísticamente saludable como bienestar (integral) Landa es
dc.subject María Inés es
dc.subject Córdoba es
dc.subject Marcelo The article argues ?from the Deleuzian concepts of society of control es
dc.subject moulding and modulation and the Rosean theory on the economization and medicalization of life? that the expansion of the concept of health in terms of integral and subjective well-being is the effect of a socio-historical shift in the way we relate to this signifier es
dc.subject and therefore to our bodies and ourselves. We use this interpretative network to analyze the effects that the biopsychosocial health paradigm has had in the context of aesthetic surgery and fitness practice. As a result es
dc.subject we see that the expansion of the concept of health has extended the domain of medicine into the spheres of personal care and physical appearance. This legitimized the practice of aesthetic surgery in the medical and social field es
dc.subject previously undervalued in the modern scenario es
dc.subject while it operated as a condition of possibility for the emergence and globalization of the culture of fitness. We conclude with a brief presentation of the argumentation deployed in the different sections of the article es
dc.subject from which we reflect on the ethical-political implications of a holistically modulable and asymptotically perfectible health in the socio-labour dynamics of contemporary capitalism. We relate these arguments es
dc.subject finally es
dc.subject to the destabilizations that the health and political treatment of the COVID-19 global pandemic poses to a conception of health defined in terms of informed and efficient elective practices Bienestar Integral es
dc.subject Sociedades de Control es
dc.subject Cultura Empresarial es
dc.subject Cirugía Estética es
dc.subject Fitness. Surgery es
dc.subject Fitness Culture es
dc.subject wellness es
dc.subject society of control es
dc.subject enterprise culture es
dc.subject aesthetic surgery es
dc.subject fitness culture 59 74 es
dc.title Cuerpos moldeables y vidas modulables: La invención del estado holísticamente saludable como bienestar (integral) es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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