MAD+. Introducing Misconceptions in the Temporal Analysis of the Mathematical Modelling Process of a Fermi Problem

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MAD+. Introducing Misconceptions in the Temporal Analysis of the Mathematical Modelling Process of a Fermi Problem

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Pla-Castells, Marta; Melchor, Carmen; Chaparro, Gisela
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

This work describes how the combination of the mistakes committed by a group of preservice teachers when solving a Fermi problem, with the representation of the temporal analysis of their resolutions, can offer more in-depth information about their conceptual misconceptions regarding mathematical and modelling concepts. The combined representation allows knowing when mistakes occur and provides a powerful tool for instructors to adapt the teaching-learning processes of mathematics at all levels of education. Our study is based on a recent categorisation of students' mistakes, together with the creation of a new representation tool, called MAD+, that can combine all this information. The macroscopic view provided by the MAD+ diagrams gives insight into the context in which the mistakes take place and makes the analysis of the resolution of a Fermi problem more efficient.
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