University students and virtual learning environments: motivation, effectiveness and satisfaction

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University students and virtual learning environments: motivation, effectiveness and satisfaction

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Romero Forteza, Francesca; Oltra-Albiach, Miquel A.; Pardo Coy, Rosa M.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

Higher Education is based increasingly on use of Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), regardless of the degree or type of matter being taught. In this research we explain a comparative study that we conducted in three Spanish universities. First we critically analyze the different virtual learning environments, in terms of its potential effectiveness for university education. Secondly, we asked the students about the degree of satisfaction with the use of these learning platforms, from the idea that students motivation is essential for learning in any academic level. The findings, as we will explain, reveal interesting facts to consider for the future.
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