Un recorrido turístico en la clase de ELE / A sightseeing tour in the Spanish class

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Un recorrido turístico en la clase de ELE / A sightseeing tour in the Spanish class

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Barahona Mora, Azucena
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This paper offers a didactic proposal carried out with American pupils who study Spanish as a foreign language. The activity aims to put into practice the lexicon related to tourism using oral skills. Firstly, theoretical concepts involved in this linguistic ability are stated. Then, the practical experience is explained. For the implementation, a sightseeing tour in Miami was designed and the students applied the oral text they worked in class. Finally, the results are presented. They show the academic and personal satisfaction of the participants, as well as the achievement of the programmed objective. Key words: Spanish as a foreign language, oral skills, lexicon, tourism.
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